Libertine, art and censorship

It always feels great to find new artist. Today I found Mylene Farmer. Grazy. Wikipedia tells me she has sold more than 45 million albums. It’s all about the language barrier which affects everything. For example her videos beat everything else on YouTube in how explicit they are. Take Libertine as an example:

Sex sells? I disagree. This would not sell if the video would lack “art form” and if the music would be something else than perfect pop. Kate Ryan has performed some remakes. Compare Libertine here:

Cheaper video, no content. Passes all censors but looks uninteresting. Music is more upbeat, and technically perhaps more polished and pervasive. Like pretty much all “art form” today: a quick cover-up. Tastes good though…

East Bay Sunday: two races in a row, Doors back in SF

I’m in San Francisco for a few days. Will participate in SDforum and Open Source Business Conference. Anyway, yesterday I took BART to East Bay to participate in two races.

First 10K in Oakland, “4th Sunday race”, organized by a local club. The route was two laps around Lake Merritt. My time was 34.35 with 17.12/17.23 splits. The first mile was 10 secs quicker than the rest. There was some headwind and one construction zone gave the course perhaps 10 secs extra for each lap. A strong run overall.

Just forty minutes and another BART ride later I started a “12K” street orienteering from Fleet Feet in North Berkeley. An excellent route up and down Berkeley Hills. Took me a little over an hour to complete. Might be that I ran a bit more than 12K.

Together with runs in & out I think this was pretty close to a 30K Sunday!

The night ended in a Doors concert at the Fillmore:

This morning legs were rather good compared to what I did the day before. Ran just a mile in the morning around Nob Hill where I’m staying. Will probably return for more later… the weather looks good, and SF’s hilly streets are simply attractive for running.

Against running, and competitive sports in general

This week continues with more good runs. Monday the reported 12K (6+6), tuesday 10K, wednesday 17K (increasing speed in the end), today another ordinary 21K in nice sunshine.

* * *

The content of the post today is however something more deep. I noticed my former academic mentor, the legendary Jukka Kemppinen, touched running a few days ago in his blog:

I wonder what would happen if the basically fascist sporting craze could be suddenly refocused on singing, playing, and other development of social skills? In my opinion someone pumping iron like a madman or another jogging-maniac running against himself is the real picture of the selfist culture. Everything to me, measured! What is your maximal oxygen uptake and where does your cholesterol level hang?

(“Mitähän tapahtuisi, jos pohjaltaan fasistinen liikuntavimma ykskaikki saataisiin ohjatuksi laulamiseen, soittamiseen ja vastaavaan sosiaalisten taitojen kehittämiseen? Mielestäni räkä poskella rautaa pumppaava henkilö tai itseään kirittävä hölkkähirmu on todellinen kuva itsekeskeisyyden kulttuurista. Kaikki mulle ja mitattavasti! Mikä on hapenottokykysi ja millaisissa lukemissa huitelee kolesteroli?”)

Here you see a standard cultural oracle spelling his or her disgust in something he or she has no knowledge of. Something totally outside, something that could disappear at once, and the world would be a better place.

Granted, competitive sports as it exists in our world today has many “sick” characters. Every day the ladder that one must climb to participate in competitive sports undoubtedly results in innumerable individual injuries, mental miseries and – in extreme – ruined lives. Those individuals who are gifted and motivated enough to participate, must go through hard and “selfish” training periods. One might need to do most of the training alone. Against the units of measurement, whatever it is.

So what! That’s the whole idea of the game. Bigger, better, faster. Human nature. Never stop trying.

You must be also careful with what you measure. If we stopped that jogging-maniac and asked, it would turn out that in running neither VO max nor the cholesterol level is the thing you are looking at. I don’t know mine, and honestly don’t even care.

My counter argument to armchair philosophers like Kemppinen is this: did you know that all those classical artists you listen to from your Bang & Olufsen high-end set have gone through similarly selfish torture-training periods in their lives? We can only guess how many lives have been ruined in the competitive ladder ran by the gifted few who have entered the leading art schools. That’s how the system works.

By the way I’ve heard our top musicians, and the system that produces them, is run by the state. To contrast, those who lift weights or run do it on their own. If you didn’t know it, we don’t really have professional runners (and I guess the same goes for weight lifters) in Finland today. Competitive running is hobbyist stuff, which develops basic skills needed in everyday life, both private and professional. Competitive running is — in its own way — also social like any hobby. Just take a brief look at some of the running blogs I’ve added to the sidebar…

Big Jack!

I’m listening to AC/DC’s new album, fresh out from the PirateBay. Already the third track is unbelievable stuff, almost “innovative” by AC/DC standards. Just putting out a song titled “Big Jack” is a bit like Stallone releasing the new gore Rambo. In-your-face. One of the big surprises is Brian Johnson. He’s god damn sixty but he has probably never sounded this good. Have they worked his voice with tech or what? Angus is slower and there are no fast numbers but what the hell. Black Ice r-o-c-k-s.

Compare this to Metallica, the old compatriots from the days of Beavis & Butthead. Couple weeks back I was driving my kids to the kindergarten when I hear something familiar on the radio… “Is this Hetfield…?” I wonder. “Is this Metallica’s new single…?” It was, and the song was about to turn to the quick part. Wow, Kirk finally free. A complete old-skool Metallica song. Fist pumping in the air… Ok, first impression history, let’s look back. That’s probably the best song from Death Magnetic. It’s basically a copy of One without Lars kicking butt. Actually Kirk has missed the drive as well. It’s just James out there with his trademark machine gun riffs.

AC/DC wins this round 2-0.

Spacesynth gems

Jailbreaked my iPhone’s new firmware 2.1 and installed a very basic modplayer. Searched and downloaded the back catalogue of Jukke Lundqvist, a little known master of tracker music. Sweet jesus, his stuff simply delivers. Last time I listened to this was almost 10 years ago… Pieces like Far From Home, Nosmo King, Spacedream and Stonecow all have that catchy melody, spacey feel and infinite beat. They could easily form the basis of any top-3 track today, just played anew with some retro synths and modern effects. The “thin” and “dead” full-digital 1990s tracker instruments are the only thing that should be forgotten by now.